Rainbow Blends | SSS Pawsitively Saturated Ink Color Blends

Hello Crafty Friends! We are diving deeper into exploring the colors of the Simon Says Stamp Pawsitively Saturated Ink line! Today we are looking at a couple of different ways to achieve rainbow ink blending, as well as two very different toned rainbows.


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Tips, Tricks and Opinions

  • Paper, paper, paper! Its all about a smooth surfaced paper with Dye inks. I use the same paper for both my Dye and Oxide inks, but I find that Oxides are a little more forgiving on paper due to the pigment quality of the ink. However, Dye inks thrive on a smooth surface. Simon Says Stamp 130 lb cardstock is my favorite. Want to get serious about ink blending – your going to need to invest in a good paper.
  • Brushes vs. Foam Blending Tools – My opinion, brushes all the way! I found that I can vary the amount of ink I lay down better with a brush, especially when I hold the brush my “signature” way.
  • Trick – Do you have an oil spot your can’t cover? Use a Splatter/Spatter of water to create more interest on your inked panel.
  • Tip – Layer lite! You can always add more ink to your blending, you however cannot remove too much ink. So light hand when blending.
  • Tip – Be sure to tap off your brush after loading the color to avoid having brush strokes on your paper.
  • Tip – Are you having a hard time blending some of you colors? Be sure you have a juicy ink pad.
  • Opinion – Can you mix Simon’s original inks vs. their Pawsitively Saturated inks (one is water reactive and the other is not) on the same brush. I say – Yes! I have both lines and use the same brushes for each, however, I can understand why people do not. I currently haven’t experienced an issue between the two and used them blended together. This card is a perfect example of using both lines together for a seamless blend.
    • Also use my original distress inks with these same brushes!

YouTube Tutorial

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